Safety & Security » About SSC

About SSC

At JISD, safety and security are a key part of not just our policies but our culture. As a school district, this strikes to our core - each one of us, and each of those we work with is essential. Our health, our safety, our security and the quality of our work area is priority one.

Nothing is more important than employee and student safety...
Protecting people means perfecting the environment in which they work as well as maintaining a high level of safety awareness.

We believe accidents are avoidable so we have adopted a "Zero Accident" goal.  To help us meet this goal we have established a school Safety and Security Committee.  This committee, made up of both campus and auxiliary administrators, will conduct monthly meetings in an effort to review and reduce accidents. The committee will also conduct safety and security evaluations, and provide training and assistance to all areas of need throughout the district.

I work safely because?
I want to lead a quality life!