Jacksonville ISD Gifted & Talented Services

Jacksonville ISD Gifted & Talented Services focus on research, critical thinking, community involvement, problem based learning, original product creation, and technology integration. Services include weekly pullout classes, differentiation in core classes, and an annual showcase of student work. Students can be referred and screened for services in Kindergarten through 12th grade.
A gifted student is a child or youth who shows, or has the potential for showing, an exceptional level of performance in one or more areas of expression. Some of these abilities are very general and can affect a broad spectrum of the person’s life, such as leadership skills or the ability to think creatively. Some are very specific talents and are only evident in particular circumstances such as a special aptitude in mathematics, science, or music.
The term giftedness provides a general reference to this spectrum of abilities without being specific or dependent on a single measure or index. It is generally recognized that approximately five percent of the student population, or three million children, in the United States are considered gifted. (National Association of Gifted Children)